统计推断(六) Modeling


1. Modeling problem

  • formulation

    • a set of distributions \[ \mathcal{P}=\left\{p_{\mathrm{y}}(\cdot ; x) \in \mathcal{P}^{y}: x \in \mathcal{X}\right\} \]

    • approximation \[ \min _{q \in \mathcal{P}^{y}} \max _{x \in \mathcal{X}} D\left(p_{\mathrm{y}}(\cdot ; x) \| q(\cdot)\right) \]

  • solution

Theorem: 对任意 \(q \in \mathcal{P}^{y}\) 都存在一个混合模型 \(q_w(\cdot) = \sum_{x \in \mathcal{X}} w(x) p_{y}(\cdot ; x)\) 满足 \[ D\left(p_{y}(\cdot ; x) \| q_{w}(\cdot)\right) \leq D\left(p_{y}(\cdot ; x) \| q(\cdot)\right) \quad \text { for all } x \in \mathcal{X} \] Proof: 应用 Pythagoras 定理


\[ \max _{x \in \mathcal{X}} \min _{q \in \mathcal{P}^{y}} D\left(p_{y}(\cdot ; x) \| q(\cdot)\right)=\max _{x \in \mathcal{X}} 0=0 \\ \]

\[ \min _{q \in \mathcal{P}} \max _{x \in \mathcal{X}} D\left(p_{\mathrm{y}}(\cdot ; x) \| q(\cdot)\right)=\min _{q \in \mathcal{P}} \max _{w \in \mathcal{P}^{\mathcal{X}}} \sum_{x} w(x) D\left(p_{\mathrm{y}}(\cdot ; x) \| q(\cdot)\right) \]

Theorem (Redundancy-Capacity Theorem): 以下等式成立,且两侧最优的 \(w,q\) s是相同的 \[ \begin{aligned} R^{+} \triangleq \min _{q \in \mathcal{P}^{\mathcal{Y}}} \max _{w \in \mathcal{P}^{\mathcal{X}}} & \sum_{x} w(x) D\left(p_{\mathrm{y}}(\cdot ; x) \| q(\cdot)\right) \\ &=\max _{w \in \mathcal{P}} \min _{q \in \mathcal{P}} \sum_{x} w(x) D\left(p_{\mathrm{y}}(\cdot ; x) \| q(\cdot)\right) \triangleq R^{-} \end{aligned} \] Proof:

  1. 利用后面的 Equidistance property 证明 \(R^+ \le R^-\)
  2. 根据 minimax 和 maxmini 的性质,有 \(R^+ \ge R^-\)
  3. 一定有 \(R^+ \ge R^-\)
  4. 证明两个不等式的取等条件是在同样的 \(w,q\) 处取到

2. Model capacity

首先计算 \(R^-\) 内部的 min \[ \begin{aligned} & \min _{q \in \mathcal{P}^{\mathcal{Y}}} \sum_{x} w(x) D\left(p_{\mathbf{y}}(\cdot ; x) \| q(\cdot)\right) \\=& \min _{q \in \mathcal{P}^{\mathcal{Y}}} \sum_{x, y} w(x) p_{\mathbf{y}}(y ; x) \log \frac{p_{y}(y ; x)}{q(y)} \\=& \text { constant }-\max _{q \in \mathcal{P}^{\mathcal{Y}}} \sum_{y} q_{w}(y) \log q(y) \\=& \text { constant }-\max _{q \in \mathcal{P}^{\mathcal{Y}}} \mathbb{E}_{q_{w}}[\log q(y)] \end{aligned} \]

根据 Gibbs 不等式 \[ q^*(\cdot) = q_{w}(\cdot) \triangleq \sum_{x \in \mathcal{X}} w(x) p_{y}(\cdot ; x) \] 再考虑 \(R^-\) 外部的 max,此时可以转化为 Bayesian 角度! $$ \[\begin{aligned} R^{-} &=\max _{w \in \mathcal{P}^{\mathcal{X}}} \sum_{x} w(x) D\left(p_{y}(\cdot ; x) \| q_{w}(\cdot)\right) \\ &=\max _{w \in \mathcal{P}^{\mathcal{X}}} \sum_{x, y} w(x) p_{y}(y ; x) \log \frac{p_{y}(y ; x)}{\sum_{x^{\prime}} w\left(x^{\prime}\right) p_{y}\left(y ; x^{\prime}\right)} \\ &\overset{\text{Bayesian}}{=}\max _{p_{\mathbf{x}}} \sum_{x} p_{\mathbf{x}}(x) D\left(p_{y | \mathbf{x}}(\cdot | x) \| p_{y}(\cdot)\right) \\ &=\max _{p_{\mathbf{x}}} \sum_{x, y} p_{\mathbf{x}}(x) p_{\mathbf{y} | \mathbf{x}}(y | x) \log \frac{p_{y | x}(y | x)}{p_{\mathbf{y}}(y)} \\ &=\max _{p_{\mathbf{x}}} \sum_{x, y} p_{\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}}(x, y) \log \frac{p_{\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}}(x, y)}{p_{\mathbf{x}}(x) p_{y}(y)}=\max _{p_{\mathbf{x}}} I(x ; y)=C \end{aligned}\]


Definition: 对一个模型 \(p_{\mathsf{y|x}}\),有 \[ C \triangleq \max _{p_{x}} I(x ; y) \]

  • Model capacity: C

  • least informative prior: \(p_x^*\)

Theorem(Equidistance property): C对应的最优的 \(p^*\)\(w^*\) 满足 \[ D(p_y(\cdot;x)||q^*(\cdot)) \le C \ \ \ \ \ \forall x\in\mathcal{X} \] 其中等号对于满足 \(w^*(x)>0\) 的 x 成立


  1. \(I(x,y)\) 关于 \(p_x(a)\ \ \forall a\) 是 concave 的
  2. 构造拉格朗日函数 \(\mathcal{L}=I(x,y) - \lambda(\sum_x p_x(x)-1)\),也关于 \(p_x(a)\) concave
  3. \(\min_{p_x}I(x,y)\) 的极值点应满足 \(\left.\frac{\partial I(x ; y)}{\partial p_{x}(a)}\right|_{p_{x}=p_{x}^{*}}-\lambda=0, \quad \text { for all } a \in \mathcal{X} \text { such that } p_{x}^{*}(a)>0\),或者 \(\left.\frac{\partial I(x ; y)}{\partial p_{x}(a)}\right|_{p_{x}=p_{x}^{*}}-\lambda\le0, \quad \text { for all } a \in \mathcal{X} \text { such that } p_{x}^{*}(a)=0\)
  4. \(\frac{\partial I(x ; y)}{\partial p_{x}(a)} = D\left(p_{y | x}(\cdot ; a) \| p_{y}\right)-\log e\) 并根据 3 中取等号的特点恰好可以得到定理中的式子

3. Inference with mixture models

  • Formulation: 有观测 \(y_-\),想要预测 \(y_+\)

  • Solution

    • 根据前面得到的最优先验 \(w^*\) 来估计 \(y=[y_-,y_+]\) 的分布 \[ q_{\mathbf{y}}^{*}(\mathbf{y})=\sum_{x} w^{*}(x) p_{\mathbf{y}}(\mathbf{y} ; x) \]

    • 然后可以获得后验概率 \[ \begin{aligned} q_{\mathrm{y}+| \mathrm{y}_{-}}^{*}\left(\cdot | y_{-}\right) & \triangleq \frac{q_{\mathrm{y}}^{*}\left(y_{+}, y_{-}\right)}{q_{\mathrm{y}-}^{*}\left(y_{-}\right)}=\frac{\sum_{x} w^{*}(x) p_{\mathrm{y}}\left(y_{+}, y_{-} ; x\right)}{\sum_{a} w^{*}(a) p_{\mathrm{y}_{-}}\left(y_{-} ; a\right)} \\ &=\sum_{x} w^{*}\left(x | y_{-}\right) p_{\mathrm{y}_{+} | y_{-}}\left(y_{+} | y_{-} ; x\right) \end{aligned} \]

    • 相当于是做了 soft decision,因为 ML 估计中只会取 \(p_{\mathrm{y}_{+} | y_{-}}(\cdot|y_-; \hat{x}_{ML})\)

4. Maximum entropy distribution

  • 最大熵等价于均匀分布向对应的模型集合上的 I-projection \[ D(p \| U)=\sum_{y} p(y) \log p(y)+\log |\mathcal{Y}|=\log |\mathcal{Y}|-H(p) \\ p^{*}=\underset{p \in \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{t}}}{\arg \max } H(p)=\underset{p \in \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{t}}}{\arg \min } D(p \| U) \]

统计推断(六) Modeling