统计推断(三) Exponential Family


1. Exponential family

  • Definition

    • PDF: \(p(y;x)=\exp(\lambda(x)^T t(y)-\alpha(x)+\beta(y))\) \(y\sim \varepsilon(x;\lambda(\cdot),t(\cdot),\beta(\cdot))\)
    • nature statistic: \(t(y)\)
    • nature parameter: \(\lambda(x)\)
    • log-partition function: \(\alpha(x)\)
    • partition function: \(Z(x)=\exp(\alpha(x))\)
    • distribution: \(\exp(\beta(y))\)
  • 正则条件(regular):若分布族中的任意一个分布 \(p(y;x)\) 都有其支集(support)与 x 无关,则为正则

    • 实质上是要求 CRB 正则条件中求导和积分可换序 \[ \mathbb{E}\left[\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\ln p(y;x)\right]=\int\frac{\partial}{\partial x}p(y;x)dy = \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\int_a^b p(y;x)dy = 0 \]
  • 指数分布族可以有多种获得方式

    • 很多分布本身可以写成指数分布族形式

      • Bernulli distribution: \(y\sim \mathcal{B}(x)\)

      \[ p(y;x)=x^y (1-x)^{(1-y)} \\ \ln p(y;x)=\left(\ln(\frac{x}{1-x})\right)y-(-\ln(1-x)) \]

      • Gaussian \(y=[y_1,y_2]^T\sim \mathcal{N}(x,1)\) \[ p(y;x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp\left((y_1+y_2)x-x^2-\frac{y_1^2+y_2^2}{2}\right) \]
    • 多个分布的几何均值 \[ p(y;x)=\frac{p_1^x(y)*p_2^{(1-x)}(y)}{Z(x)} \\ \ln p(y;x)=x\ln\left(\frac{p_1(y)}{p_2(y)}\right)-\ln Z(x)+\ln p_2(y) \]

      • 例如 \(p_1(y)\sim \mathcal{B}(\frac{1}{1+e^{-1}}), p_2(y)\sim \mathcal{B}(1/2)\) \[ p(y;x)=(\frac{1}{1+e^{-1}})^{xy}(\frac{e^{-1}}{1+e^{-1}})^{x(1-y)}(1/2)^{(1-x)}\sim \mathcal{B}(\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}) \\ \frac{p(y=1;x)}{p(y=0;x)}=e^x \]
    • Tilting \[ p(y;x)=\frac{p(y)e^{xy}}{Z(x)} \\ \ln p(y;x)=xy - \ln Z(x) + \ln p(y) \]

      • 例如 \(p(y)\sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)\)\(p(y;x)\sim \mathcal{N}(x,1)\)
  • linear exponential family

    • 定义:\(t(x)=x\)\(\ln p(y;x)=x\ t(y) - \alpha(x)+\beta(y)\)
    • 性质:\(\dot{\alpha}(x)=\mathbb{E}[t(y)], \ \ \dot{\dot{\alpha}}(x)=\mathbb{E}[t^2(y)]-\mathbb{E}[t(y)]^2=Var(t(y)) = J_y(x)\)

    Proof\[ \begin{align} Z(x) &= e^{\alpha(x)}=\int e^{x t(y)+\beta(y)}dy \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial x}Z(x) &= e^{\alpha(x)}\cdot \dot\alpha(x) = \int t(y)e^{xt(y)+\beta(y)}dy \\ \dot{\alpha}(x) &= \int t(y)p(y;x)dy = \mathbb{E}[t(y)] \end{align} \]

    \[ \dot{\dot{\alpha}}(x)=\int t(y)\cdot p(y;x)\cdot (t(y)-\dot{\alpha}(x))dy \\ J_y(x) = \mathbb{E}\left[-\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} \ln p(y;x)\right]=\dot{\dot{\alpha}}(x) \]

  • 指数族分布与有效统计量(efficient statistics)

    • 必要条件:若有效统计量存在,则可以写成指数族分布形式,且有 \[ t(x)=\int^x J_y(u)du, \ \ \ \alpha(x)=\int^x u J_y(u) du \]

    Proof\[ \begin{align} \hat {x}_{eff}(y) &= x+\frac{1}{J_y(x)}\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\ln p(y;x) \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\ln p(y;x) &= J_y(x)\hat{x}_{eff}(y) - x J_y(x) \\ \ln p(y;x) &= \int^x J_y(u)du \cdot \hat{x}_{ML}(y) - \int^x u J_y(u) du \end{align} \]

    • 充分条件:对于线性指数分布族,若有 \(J_y(x)\) 不依赖于 x,也即 \(J_y(x)\) 等于一个常数时,有效统计量存在

    Proof\(J_y(x)=J\) \[ \dot{\dot{\alpha}}(x)=J, \ \ \ \dot{\alpha}(x)=Jx-c \\ \hat x_{eff}(y) = x + \frac{1}{J}\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\ln p(y;x) = x + \frac{1}{J} (t(y)-\dot{\alpha}(x)) = x + \frac{1}{J}(t(y)-Jx+c)=\frac{t(y)}{J}+\frac{c}{J} \] 由于 \[ \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\ln p(y;x)|_{x=\hat x_{ML}} = 0 = t(y) - \dot{\alpha}(x)|_{x=\hat x_{ML}} \]\[ \hat x_{eff}(y) = c/J + \frac{1}{J}\dot{\alpha}(x)|_{x=\hat x_{ML}} = \hat x_{ML}(y) \]

2. Sufficient statistics

2.1 Non-Bayesian case

  • Definition:t(y) 是关于分布 \(p_{\mathsf{y}}(\cdot;x)\) 的充分统计量,如果 \(p(y|t(y);x)\) 与 x 无关

Theorem 1(likelihood characterization):

\(t(y)\) is sufficient w.r.t \(p(y;x)\) \(\iff \ \frac{p_{y}(y;x)}{p_t(t(y);x)}\) doesn't depend on x, for all x and y


Theorem 2(Neyman Factorization theorem):

\(t(y)\) is sufficient w.r.t \(p(y;x)\) \(\iff \ 存在a(\cdot,\cdot)和b(\cdot)使得 \ \ p(y;x)=a\left(t(y),x\right) \cdot b(y)\)


  • minimum sufficient statistic\(t^*\) 是 minimal 的,如果对任意其他充分统计量 t ,都存在 g() 使得 \(t^*=g(t)\)
  • complete\(t^*\) 是 complete 的如果对任意函数 \(\phi(\cdot)\),有 \(E[\phi(t^*(y))]=0 \ \ \forall x \iff \phi(\cdot) \equiv 0\)

Theorem:complete \(\Longrightarrow\) minimal

Proof:假设 t 为complete,s 为 minimal,存在 \(s=g(t)\)\(E[t]=E\left[E\left[t|s=s\right]\right]\)


\(\phi(t)=t-\tilde{f}(t)\),有 \(E[\phi(t)] = 0\)

根据 complete 的定义,有 \(\phi(t)\equiv0 \Longrightarrow t = \tilde{f}(t)=f(s)\)

故 t 也是 minimal

2.2 Bayesian case

  • Definition:t(y) 是关于分布 \(p_{\mathsf{y,x}}(\cdot,\cdot)\) 的充分统计量,如果 \(p_{\mathsf{y|t,x}}(y|t(y),x)=p_\mathsf{y|t}(y|t(y))\) 与 x 无关

Theorem(Belief characterization):

\(t(y)\) is sufficient w.r.t \(p(y,x)\) \(\iff \ p(x|y)=p(x|t(y))\), for all x and y


Theorem(Neyman Factorization theorem):

\(t(y)\) is sufficient w.r.t \(p(y,x)\) \(\iff \ p(y|x)=p(t(y)|x)\cdot p(y|t(y))\), for all x and y


3. Conjugate priors

  • Idea: Given a model \(p_\mathsf{y|x}\), look for a family of prior \(p_\mathsf{x}\) such that the induced posterior \(p_\mathsf{x|y}\) also in this family
  • Definition: a family of distribution \(q(\cdot;\theta)\) is conjugate to a model \(p_{y|x}\) if
    • \(p_{y|x}(y_1,...,y_N|x) \propto q(x;\theta)\)
    • \(q(x;\theta_1)q(x;\theta_2)\propto q(x;\theta_3)\)
  • Theorem: 对于采样数 N,联合分布 \(p^N_{y|x}()\) 有充分统计量,且其维度不依赖于 N,则对该模型存在共轭先验分布

统计推断(三) Exponential Family